In-store sampling works, but why is it so successful?


In-store samplings are an excellent opportunity for consumers to experience your brand first-hand, and create brand love. How can customers love your brand if they have never experienced it?

Let’s face it- the easiest way to know if you like something is to experience it for yourself! Think about it- you can read all about the stunning rainforests of New Zealand, but you can never truly know the full majesty of their beauty until you’ve walked through those forests yourself. If Point A is your consumer becoming aware of your brand and Point B is them buying it in their local grocery store, how do we help them find the quickest path there?

Arrange product sampling events with great Brand Ambassadors  in supermarkets nationwide and, voilà!- that journey becomes a whole lot shorter!  

So, how and why does this work? Of course, everyone loves a freebie! But it’s much more than that. The difference between an everyday transaction and an ‘experience’ is how the customer experiences your product. With in-store sampling, engaging Brand Ambassadors become your brand story’s narrator, guiding shoppers through a memorable experience with your product which creates a moment they want to share. Brands that offer in-store sampling ensure their product gets the exposure it needs while also knowing consumers are learning their brand’s story well enough to share it with others. Having a real-life encounter with your product by being able to experience it for themselves gives the customer the confidence that your product is good value for their hard-earned money.

And why is it important to not only acknowledge but overcome this potential doubt? Usually, two of the steps towards choosing to buy something involves:

  1. deciding that you believe in the brand,  
  2. and that the purchase would be a sound financial decision.  

Through in-store sampling, you offer a literal short-cut for consumers between Points A and B mentioned above. Why? Because there is no risk involved in making the decision to buy—they already know they love your product because they’ve experienced it!  

What we’ve described above is known as experiential marketing, something we happen to be experts at (with the stats to prove it!). Partner with Orbit Marketing and ensure your customers have nothing but exceptional experiences with your brand.  

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